2024 might be a bad year. We might get a recession. We might get a bear market. We might get a housing collapse. We might get a war. We might get political turmoil. Actually, that is definitely going to happen.
Some people get themselves in a big financial jam, like with six figures in credit card or other debt. Then they feel stuck—it will take a decade to pay this off. It is pretty close to checkmate.
Even if you’re not up to your eyeballs in the financial world, you have probably heard that interest rates have come down a bit. Ten-year interest rates have dipped about 1%. Thirty-year fixed-rate mortgages are benchmarked off 10-year interest rates, so mortgage rates have come down about 1%.
Say you are having some people over to your house to watch a football game, so you go to the grocery store to get a deli tray. Nothing fancy—one of those cheap round circular plastic containers with sliced-up ham, turkey, and cheese.
I follow a personal finance guy on Twitter, and I actually did an interview with him years ago. He’s a terrific guy, and he came up with some basic financial rules.
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